IPAW'14 Keynote by Beth Pale
Big data and open access: on track to collide or a tipping point?
Short Bio
Beth Plale directs the Data To Insight Center at Indiana University, and is a Professor of Informatics there. She is the co-Chair of the Technical Advisory Board of the Research Data Alliance, and is Co-PI on the NSF DataNet Sustainable Environments Actionable Data (SEAD) project.
Her research interests are in long term preservation and access to scientific data, and enabling computational access to large-scale and complex data for broader use. Her specific research interests are in tools for metadata and provenance capture, data repositories, cyberinfrastructure for large-scale data analysis, and workflow systems. Plale is deeply engaged in interdisciplinary research and education and has substantive experience in developing stable and useable scientific cyberinfrastructure.
She is:
- ACM Senior Member and IEEE Member
- DOE Early Career Awardee
- past Fellow of the CIC Academic Leadership Program
- Editorial board for Journal of Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience