Poster of Joint IPAW/TAPP Poster reception
- The Aspect-Oriented Architecture of the CAPS Framework for Capturing, Analyzing and Archiving Provenance Data. Peer C. Brauer, Florian Fittkau and Wilhelm Hasselbring. (preprint)
- Improving Workflow Design Using Abstract Provenance Graphs. Tianhong Song, Saumen Dey, Shawn Bowers and Bertram Ludaescher.
- Early Discovery of Tomato Foliage Diseases Based on Data Provenance and Pattern Recognition. Diogo Nunes, Carlos Werly, Gizelle Kupac Vianna and Sergio Manuel Serra Da Cruz.
- Provenance in Open Data Entity-Centric Aggregation. Moaz Reyad and Fausto Giunchiglia.
- Enhancing Provenance Representation With Knowledge Based On NFR Conceptual Modeling: A Softgoal Catalog Approach. Sergio Manuel Serra Da Cruz and André Luiz De Castro Leal.
- Provenance Storage, Querying, and Visualization in PBase. Victor Cuevas-Vicenttin, Parisa Kianmajd, Bertram Ludaescher, Paolo Missier, Fernando Chirigati, Yaxing Wei, David Koop and Saumen Dey
- Engineering Choices for Open World Provenance. M. David Allen, Adriane Chapman and Barbara Blaustein.
- Towards Supporting Provenance Gathering and Querying in Different Database Approaches. Flavio Costa, Vítor Silva, Daniel de Oliveira, Kary Ocaña and Marta Mattoso. (slides)
- Provenance for Explaining Taxonomy Alignments. Mingmin Chen, Shizhuo Yu, Parisa Kianmajd, Nico Franz, Shawn Bowers and Bertram Ludaescher.
- Challenges in Modeling Geospatial Provenance. Daniel Garijo, Andreas Harth and Yolanda Gil.
- Adaptive RDF Query Processing based on Provenance. Marcin Wylot, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux and Paul Groth.
- Using Well Founded Provenance Ontologies to Query Meteorological Data. Thiago Silva. Barbosa, Ednaldo O. Santos, Gustavo B. Lyra and Sergio Manuel Serra Da Cruz. (slides)
- UProve: Ubiquitous Provenance to Enhance File Search. Annajiat Rasel and Mohammed Eunus Ali. (preprint) (video)
- Applying W3C PROV to express Geospatial Provenance at feature and attribute level. Joan Masó, Guillem Closa Santos and Yolanda Gil.
- ProvStore: A Public Provenance RepositoryTrung Dong Huynh and Luc Moreau.
- Sentence Templating for Explaining Provenance. Heather S. Packer and Luc Moreau.
- Extending PROV Data Model for Provenance-Aware Sensor Web. Peng Yue and Xia Guo.
- Using Softgoal Interdependency Graph to Expose the Relationships between Software Traceability and Data Provenance. Sergio Serra and André Luiz De Castro Leal.
- SC-PROV: A Provenance Vocabulary for Social Computation. Milan Markovic, Peter Edwards and David Corsar. (preprint)
- DEMO - RDataTracker and DDG Explorer: Capture, Visualization and Querying of Provenance from R Scripts. Barbara Lerner and Emery Boose.
- Provenance Support for Medical Research. Richard McClatchey, Jetendr Shamdasani, Andrew Branson and Kamran Munir.
- Experiencing PROV-Wf for Provenance Interoperability in SWfMSs. Wellington Oliveira, Daniel de Oliveira, Vanessa Braganholo. (preprint)